

We provide translations from and into English in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, counseling, pedagogy and human sciences in general.

- scientific articles
- abstracts
- research projects
- posters and reports for conferences
- conference proceedings
- thesis

And in addition...

- books
- book cards
- editorial catalogues
- diagnosis and psychological relationships

Our native English speaking translators are psychologists and know and respect the specialist vocabulary, concepts related to particular traditions of thought, methodological aspects of research, the implicit premises of the authors, textual genres - the scientific treatise, the research review, the self-help manual, the handbook of intervention on a particular problem, the article presenting the data of a research, the international classification system, the manual of use of the test, and so on.

- responsibility, professionalism and punctuality
- orthographic and grammatical correctness
- rigour in the interpretation of concepts
- consistency in terminological choices
- fluency of the translation
- compliance with any editorial rules communicated at the beginning of the work.

>> Present us with your project to get a quote <<
Dott. Gabriele Lo Iacono :: Via Veneto 146 - 38122 Trento, Italy :: :: +39.339.6033913
Gabriele Lo Iacono, Steve Pastorello, Riccardo Larini, Roberta Grossi, psicologo, psicologi, revisione, editing, correzione, bozze, trascrizione, colloquio, intervista, reattivo, proiettivo, traduzione, traduci, tradurre, traduttore editoriale, traduzione editoriale, editoria, agenzia di traduzioni, traduttore madrelingua inglese, lingua madre inglese, traduttore inglese, traduzioni dall'inglese, traduzioni verso l’inglese, traduzione da e verso l’inglese, traduttore, traduzioni psicologia, traduzione psicologia, freelance translator, psicologia, psicoterapeuta, psicoterapia, psicoanalisi, neurosocienze, pedagogia, formazione, filosofia, sociologia, psichiatria, counseling, counselling, psicomotricità, riabilitazione, cura, test, psicometria, logopedia, riabilitazione psichiatrica, scienze umane, antropologia, comportamento, emozione, cognizione, brain, mind, clinica, analisi dei dati, metodologia, convegno, congresso, abstract, poster, libri, articolo di ricerca, rassegna, rivista, pubblicazione, progetto di ricerca, laurea, tesi, dottorato, ghostwriting, ghost-translation, En > It, It > En, Eng > ita, Ita > Eng, psychologist, psychologists, text revision, proofreading, editing, draft, transcription, interview, projective, translation, translate, translate, editorial translator, editorial translation, publishing, translation agency, english speaking translator, native english, english mother tongue, english translator, English to Italian, Italian to English, form and to English translation, translator, psychology translation, traduttore freelance, psychology, psychotherapy, psychotherapists, psychoanalysis, neuroscience, education, pedagogy, training, philosophy, sociology, psychiatry, counseling, counselling, psychomotricity, care, recovery, test, psychometry, speech therapy, psichiatric rehabilitation, human sciences, anthropology, behavior, cognition, emotion, cervello, mente, clinic, data analysis, methodology, conference, convention, congress, abstract, poster, book, research paper, paper, review, journal, issue, publication, research project, degree, dissertation, doctoral dissertation,
"We have made use of Gabriele Lo Iacono's skills as a translator from English on several occasions, both for psychometric test manuals (whose language, although simplified, is full of technical terminology) and for essays on topics such as neuroscience and neurodevelopmental disorders, appreciating, in all cases, the Italian rendering: the text we receive is not a mere, albeit correct, translation, but is as if the author had written it in Italian. To this, Lo Iacono adds his expertise in the field of psychology, which is very important to us, and his attention to obscure or simply incorrect passages in the original (and there are often some!), with operational suggestions and recommendations'.
Jacopo Tarantino
General Manager, Hogrefe Editore, Firenze